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Transforming Game Reviews: Creating Impactful Short Videos from Detailed Game Analysis


If you are a gaming fanatic, you are likely someone who wants to share your experiences with other players and help improve the gaming experience as a whole. There are different ways that you can do this, of course – you can write reviews on gaming sites or other types of forums. You can blog about your experiences on a personal blog.

One particularly effective way of reviewing games is by creating a gaming video that clearly illustrates what the playing experience was like for you. How can you do this in such a way as to really bring out the important elements to other players? Well, there are techniques involved. If you go about the process systematically and carefully, you’ll be able to create amazing reviews that will bring you to gaming stardom.

Short video creation for video game reviews

The most important thing about making gaming video game reviews is that they should be interesting. They should be sufficiently different from the other stuff out there that people will want to watch them to the end. If you think about the videos that you yourself watch, how many of them are truly engaging enough to keep going back to?

Personalize and focus on your favorite games in your gaming videos

One important factor in making video game reviews is that you want your viewers to get to know you as a reviewer. Just like with movies, people don’t just turn towards random people when they want an opinion; they turn towards trusted names that they know and respect. For this reason, you should make your name one that people turn to automatically. How can you do this? There is obviously something that drove you to start this endeavor in the first place; focus on that and think about how you can hone in on a specific core vision in your videos.

Do you have one or two games that you are particularly good at or knowledgeable about? If you do, you should focus on these games in particular. Don’t try to make yourself all things to all people, because anyone can do this. Focus on a couple of games, then go out and do some research on who else is making reviews. If your game is Mortal Kombat or another really popular one, you might have some stiff competition.

In any case, you should do proper research on what else is out there, just as you would for companies selling similar products to yours. Figure out several things about your competitors that will help determine how you shape your videos. And be sure to look in the right places – YouTube is an obvious one for videos, but there might also be other forums that are popular among gamers where some of the hottest reviewers are posting their stuff. Figure out what these places are and do your due diligence. 

Which games do your competitors cover?

The most obvious aspect of your competitor analysis will be which games other people are reviewing. In many cases, people will be a fanatic of one particular game, and they will consider themselves the (or at least a ) “go-to” person about that game. 

So, say your favorite game is the same game that another person is also a major fanatic about. You really want to make reviews about this game in particular, because it’s the one you have the most passion for and feel like you can provide the most insight about. Don’t despair. Watch through the other people’s videos carefully. Make note of the kinds of things your fellow game publishers talk about. What kind of strategy do they advocate?

There is nothing wrong with doing this. People in all other fields investigate their competitors and try to figure out how they differ from one another. If you’re trying to gain an audience in something popular, there will always be competition. 

Feed off your competitors

The point is to offer something unique to your audience. You can even make reference to your competitors’ opinions. Maybe you will agree with them about certain kinds of tactics. Showing that you agree about certain things indicates that you are not afraid of your competitors, but rather respect the fact that you are in the same realm with them and yet have something different to offer. If you have your own website, you might use this as a forum as well.

Research your target audience

Once you’ve figured out who your competitors are, it will be time to research your target audience and figure out their characteristics that will be relevant to your cause. Take note of things like their average ages (many gamers fall into a similar age group, but not necessarily), what parts of the world they live in, and any other notable characteristics that might influence the way you target them.

You should also study people’s comments on your competitor’s YouTube gaming channel or other social media pages. Take note of how people feel about your competitors’ strategies. This doesn’t mean you should compromise your beliefs, but rather that you should address people’s interests when you make your own gameplay videos.

When you do get to illustrating the difference between you and your competitors, be sure to illustrate exactly why and it is that you differ from them. If you agree with others on certain aspects of your game, take those things as starting points from which you can build your case for your strategy. Make a point of illustrating exactly where your idea diverges clearly in the gaming video.

Things to think about in your presentation

Aside from your overall strategy and content, there are several things you should think about in your video presentations that you should keep in mind. Some of these might be obvious as an observer, but less obvious when you are the one making videos. So when you are sitting at your gaming console, you can think about these aspects of your videos.

Your videos will likely include both clips of you and clips of the actual game on which you illustrate your strategy. When you record yourself talking, think about your overall presentation and the room you are recording in.Again, this might sound patently obvious, but it is the kind of thing people tend to neglect and it can be really off-putting  to observers. 

Even though gamers have a reputation for playing in messy rooms, you want the appearance of what you’re doing to be nice for people to look at. So make an effort to pick up your clothes and straighten the stuff on your bookshelf. Also, think about the lighting in your room and how it falls on your face. Does it create a glare? If so, you might want to invest in different lighting.

Think about your delivery

You’re not a newscaster, it’s true. But still, people will be watching you and the goal is for them to be engaged and subscribe to your channel (YouTube or otherwise) so that they can come back for more. Therefore, you should think carefully about your delivery: your tone of voice, your rhythm of speaking, how much you pause between major points. All these things play a role in how you will be perceived by the public. 

Also, you should consider how you want to present your videos. Will you record them, or offer a live stream? All these things will play a role. Live streaming could allow you to have a chat with your viewers and respond to their questions in real time. Think about whether or not this will be something you are both capable of and interested in doing. And when it comes time to edit, you should use the Free Rask AI Video Translator. This will help you create the professional look you want.

Keep it short and timely, and get feedback from others

Another thing you should remember is that brevity is key. People have lots of things to do with their time. If you can hit them with major points that they will be able to take with them and use in their own lives, that’s great. But the point is that you shouldn’t drone on once you’ve said what you have to say. This will make people turn away from your channel and never come back. So make an attention grabbing introduction, get to your point, and then close out. Share your own experience in a meaningful way.

Also, be sure to talk about things in your gaming videos that make sense in the time period you’re posting in. If a game came out three years ago, the things you’re likely to talk about will probably already have been covered by another reviewer. So be sure to stay up on the trends and try to make yourself the first person to offer a unique perspective on a new addition or new feature of your favorite game.

Once you’ve finished your recordings, run them by others to get their opinions. This should include not only friends, but objective third-party viewers who might have unique feedback to offer. The more you prepare your videos for the general public before you post them, the better your reception will be. Ask your viewers for feedback on all of the points mentioned here: How is your delivery? Can you be seen and heard easily? If you’re getting opinions from other experts in the game, do you offer unique opinions? Do you do an adequate job of both using your competitors as a basis for discussion, and also feeding off of them?


Making short video creation for game reviews can be a great way to share your passion for your favorite games, gain a following, and even monetize your efforts if you are good enough at it. If you decide to do this, you should be sure to go about the process carefully and systematically. Think about every aspect of your approach, and watch your fellow vloggers carefully to see what they are doing. If you do it right, you might just become a reviewer sensation!

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