Home TheXboxHub News... Sudoku Classic X releases onto Xbox

Sudoku Classic X releases onto Xbox

Sudoku Classic X
Want some classic Sudoku puzzling fun on Xbox?

We long lost count of the sheer number of Sudoku games that have arrived on the Xbox Store over the years. But hey, what’s the harm in welcoming in another? We do that as Sudoku Classic X releases on Xbox. 

The latest in a very long line of Sudoku games to already fight for your Xbox cash, Sudoku Classic X attempts to muscle in. And it comes with a pretty unique selling point too, proclaiming to be the closest thing you can get in the virtual world to sudoku-ing with pen and paper. Bold claims indeed. 

More sudoku?

Priced at £4.29, you probably shouldn’t come to Sudoku Classic X expecting more than some standard sudoku puzzles. And from the outside looking in, it’s that which it very much looks as if RucKyGAMES have focused on. We’ll be sure to let you know in full review. 

Jump in to Sudoku Classic X on Xbox and you’ll find yourself playing sudoku; nothing more, nothing less. But you’ll get a few options available to you as you go, allowing you to customise your play time, turning on and off various assist functions to make it easier, or harder, to play. 

Consider there are some 300 puzzles included here, across easy, normal and hard difficulties, and the old content to cash ratios are high with Sudoku Classic X. Does that tempt you in? Let us know in the comments. 

Buy now!

If you fancy giving this one a shot, get over to the Xbox Store and pick up a download of Sudoku Classic X on Xbox. It’s playable across Xbox One and Xbox Series X|S. 

Sudoku Classic X Description

It’s like writing with a pen on paper. and the ease of playing the game. Customizable Sudoku It’s a game, but you can play it as if you were writing with a pen on a piece of paper. You can customize the assist function to your liking.

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